Rachel Nagy of the Detroit Cobras died ..

Dear friends, family and fans,
It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we announce the loss of our beloved friend and musical colleague, Rachel Lee Nagy. There are no words to fully arrticulate our grief as we remember a life cut short, still vital and inspirational to all who knew and loved her. With the Detroit Cobras Rachel Nagy carried the torch of Rock, Soul and R&B to fans all over the world. More than just a performer, she embodied the spirit of the music itself and vaulted it to new heights with her own deeply affecting vocal power. I know that I am not alone when I say that I was inspired by her vitality, her fierce intensity and her vulnerability. Once plans have been finalized by the family we will post more information regarding further details to memorialize Rachel and pay tribute to her life. Until then, please know that if you are as devastated by this news as we are, you are not alone. We are with you in your grief. Rachel is survived by her brother Tony Nagy and her mother Marge Nagy. -Greg Cartwright
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Gotthold E. Lessing – search for truth – Suche nach der Wahrheit – forever left hand!

“Nicht die Wahrheit, in deren Besitz irgendein Mensch ist oder zu sein vermeinet, sondern die aufrichtige Mühe, die er angewandt hat, hinter die Wahrheit zu kommen, macht den Wert des Menschen.


Denn nicht durch den Besitz, sondern durch die Nachforschung der Wahrheit erweitern sich seine Kräfte, worin allein seine immer wachsende Vollkommenheit bestehet.

Der Besitz macht ruhig, träge, stolz –.
Wenn Gott in seiner Rechten alle Wahrheit und in seiner Linken den einzigen immer regen Trieb nach Wahrheit, obschon mit dem Zusatze, mich immer und ewig zu irren, verschlossen hielte und spräche zu mir: ‘Wähle!’ ich fiele ihm mit Demut in seine Linke und sagte: ‘Vater gib! die reine Wahrheit ist ja doch nur für dich allein!'”
Gotthold E. Lessing: “Eine Duplik”, 1778


“It is not the truth that any man possesses or thinks he possesses, but the sincere effort he has made to discover the truth that makes a man valuable.

For it is not through possession but through the pursuit of truth that his powers expand, in which alone his ever-increasing perfection consists.

Possession makes one calm, sluggish, proud.
If God held all truth in his right hand and in his left hand the only ever-active urge for truth, although with the addition of being always and forever mistaken, and said to me: ‘Choose!’ I would fall into his left hand with humility and say: ‘Father give! the pure truth is for you alone!
Gotthold E. Lessing: “A Duplicate,” 1778

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