Ich hab Detroit Cobras noch in Berlin gesehen

es war einer ihrer legendären desaströsen Auftritte. Das Publikum kam aus ganz Europa Norden, Osten, Westen und Süden.. heute gibt es ja sowas nicht mehr. Brauchen wir nicht. Menschen treffen kann man doch auf Zoom.. so eine Welt geht unter! Ich hoffe schnell!

so strong and so fragile

it was one of their legendary disastrous performances. The audience came from all over Europe, north, east, west and south… today there is no such thing anymore. We don’t need it. You can meet people on Zoom… that’s the end of the world! I hope quickly!

I hope they let her rest in peace.

on yt today you can see tens of videos showing an alleged car accident in which Rachel supposedly died … each time it is another, 🙁 maybe she is Elvis and still alive? How sick…

I also wondered how they pronounce Nagy in the USA? It’s Hungarian and means “big” and is pronounced notch.

We are what we are! And we are that for a reason!

Now you are Legend!
