Rest In Power Lux
and now to the question on all of our minds
You ain’t right fucker you ain’t right
You don’t push it forward you just hold it back. You ain’t doing nothing that we ain’t already done.
Captain Catastrophy The International Man of Danger
Captain Catastrophy is, as everyone knows, one of the greatest artists of our time. He manages to show the world as it is, a rat hole. Thank you!
You know, I have friends in China. You should have some there, too. Even though you would probably be (and have to be) a little ashamed. Dummy Toys have announced a European tour again this year. But only in dirty anarchist dives… so it’s not for you.
Wisst ihr, ich habe Freunde in China. Solltet ihr auch haben. Auch wenn ihr euch sicherlich etwas schämen würdet (und müsstet). Dummy Toys haben für diese Jahr wieder eine Europa-Tournee angekündigt. Aber nur in so dreckigen Anarchoschuppen .. also nix für euch.