I actually wanted to write a long article about how shitty I think the discovery, fedicovery project of Mastodon GmbH is… but you know what. Exploited has already put it in a song. listen
Nip it in the bud. The reactionary dismantling of the federated Internet.
There is a huge outcry about the fact that a discussion forum was held at the CCC’s Chaos Congress to discuss the possibilities of centralizing and censoring the federated Internet.
Now, the #Chaos in Chaos Computer Club stands for chaos (get it?) and not for order and cleanliness. If I had wanted surveillance and law and order, I would have joined the CDU or become a cop. It is also impressive that the independent Internet is referred to as “radical anarchism” and that is obviously a bad thing. And now we don’t know exactly what a non-radical anarchism would look like? With a king? Or a police state? And what I always ask myself in the face of such authoritarian outbursts is: who then makes the rules that we are supposed to follow? Usually it is the fantasies of omnipotence of those who demand it. But why should we follow them? Where does the authority to decide for others come from?
In “Radical Enlightenment A world of open sources” this question is also asked:
Freedom, our greatest good? https://word.undeadnetwork.de/freiheit-unser-hochstes-gut
In this context, @tuxwise criticizes the discovery plan of the Mastodon project. Quite rightly, I must say. https://github.com/mastodon/fediverse_auxiliary_service_provider_specifications/issues/46
In summary, I think both #Mastodon and #CCC are great things that I have actively supported for many years. And that is why these reactionary, authoritarian tendencies must be strongly opposed! The FOSS community has been creating tools to do just that from the very beginning! NIP IT IN THE BUD!
Laut CCC kann die elektronische Patientenakte (ePA) mit SQL-Injection gehackt werden.
Wer das nicht kennt, das ist ein Standardangriff der im Hackerkindergarten den Scripkiddies gelernt wird. Das bedeutet, nicht mal die geringsten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen wurden getroffen. Auch wenn diese Lücken geschlossen werden sollten, muss es sich um ein unglaublich kaputtes System handeln mit unglaublich kaputten Akteuren. Gesundheitsdaten sind die wohl intimsten Daten, die man sich vorstellen kann. So wie es jetzt ist, muss es schiefgehen. Es wird eine riesige Welle von Erpressungen und bösartigen Aktionen aller Art geben. Es gibt nur einen Weg, das zu verhindern, diese Daten dürfen überhaupt nicht digital erhoben werden und die, die sich so was ausdenken sollten, sollten öffentlich gevierteilt werden.
Und noch eine private Anmerkung: Warum schreit der CCC nach dem Staat? Chaos remains! Der Staat wird uns nicht helfen.