In a World of compromise.

That’s what our new record should have been called if it hadn’t been for the brilliant song “Moral Panic” by Rev Canobite.

It’s been a very eventful year! We thank everyone who has accompanied and supported us. Without you it wouldn’t work and it would be pointless! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

You can listen to and download the “Moral Panic” LP for free on the SuzyQ Records D.I.Y. streaming platform. Feel free to share the link with friends and foes.

For those who like to have their music on vinyl (like me) – as has been the case for the last 25 years, Suzy Q Records is your go-to place. Real art – trust me!

I wish you all a wonderful new year! Let’s see what happens! I hope to see you again! Hail Sat.. er, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!