Somehow i don’t feel like listening to people who prejudge others anymore. It insults my mind.
bo diddley
You Can’t Judge A Book By Looking At The Cover
We live again in pre-modern times, and people believe in magic and superstition. A multinational corporation that openly plunges people into poverty and despair around the world only needs to pin a colorful flag to its collar and bang! Magic! They are the good guys!
You Can’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover
Ich dachte eigentlich, das sehen alle normalen Menschen so. man kann nicht von außen sehen ob jemand gut oder schlecht ist! Man erkennt das einfach nicht an Oberflächlichkeiten wie die Gegend, aus der man kommt oder die Klasse der man angehört oder Farben, Penise usw.. einen guten Menschen erkennt man an guten Taten. Hat schon Aristoteles gesagt. Übrigens: I look like a farmer, but I am a lover!
I actually thought all normal people see it that way. you can’t see from the outside if someone is good or bad! One recognizes that simply not at superficialities like the area, from which one comes or the class to which one belongs or colors, penises etc.. one recognizes a good person at good deeds. Aristotle has already said. Btw: I look like a farmer, but I am a lover!
You Can’t Judge A Book By Looking At The Cover
You can’t judge an apple by looking at a tree
You can’t judge honey by looking at the bee
You can’t judge a daughter by looking at the mother
You can’t judge a book by looking at the cover