

Nach diesen desaströsen Entscheidungen der #EU und diesem autoritär-feudal faschistischen Klüngel der da dreist die Macht an sich gerissen hat (ja die Franzosen haben völlig recht – das kann man nur noch mit Feuer bekämpfen) hier noch mal zur Erinnerung warum #KRYPTOGRAPHIE so wichtig ist!
Es ist der Kampfplatz dieses Jahrhunderts Es wird auch entscheiden, welche politische Strömung relevant bleiben wird und welche nicht. Organisiert euch endlich!!!!! Wir haben #KRIEG.

Forgotten Songs.

I quite often make songs that I then forget again. Fortunately, sometimes I make videos, “The Godfather Theme” is one of those.

I had briefly forgotten all the great souls

Wheels they turn around, driving me insane. I am fortune’s fool. A victim of my pain.

I push it down, the discomfort and the fear comes back around showing glimpses of my past and how nothing seems to last and I fear the lessons that I’ve come to learn were all in vain.

Death comes ripping down just as life comes building up. The thoughts beneath my brow show me how to really love my own self.

Do you see the you that lives inside of me? All the thoughts we think and all the breath we breathe collectively collecting in our souls for all to see. It’s there really something more than this reality?

I push it down. The discomfort and the fear comes back around. Showing pictures of my past and how nothing seems to last and I fear the lessons that I’ve come to learn were all in vain.

Death comes ripping down just as life comes building up. The thoughts beneath my brow show me how to really love my own self.